
any blog i start errs to entropy. Sooner or later they all become a nightmarish spool of links and nothingness, reflective of the chaos within.

the upshot of all this is I have to make another to convince myself order can prevail. for anyone who cares

I’m already making a hash of it, but only I can see the now hundreds of chaotic pages. grand.


art works
A still from Removal

A still from Removal

My most recent video is apparently too long to provide a link for here. It is approaching 42 minutes long.
Perhaps I could have pushed this further but it did take nearly 7 hours to export.

It consists of documentation for a performance called ‘Removal’ in which I clean all the rooms of my home that most demand it. In line with my preoccupation with the relationship between text and image and with voice-overs, I have left the sound of this piece diegetic, but I have included occasional subtitles.

I am actually almost happy with the finished result, chiefly because I’ve considered something which doesn’t usually bother me: how the piece would be exhibited. The piece is time-based and intentionally tedious. I am well aware that, in an exhibition space, few people would deign to sit through all 40 minutes in order to witness the full subtitle narrative, but I like the idea of people dipping in and out, with the work playing as a small projection somewhere in the background. I think this has something to do with a number of tensions; intrusion vs. withdrawal, politeness, the female voice, the compulsion to share artwork vs. the need to hide it, boredom and significance vs. insignificance.


The Opera

art works

rehearsals for Sarah Grundy’s opera, based on Baudelaire’s Fleurs du Mal

grundy1 grundy2I shall be narrating, which is a bit of a challenge given the french, but Grundy and I have worked out phonetic transcriptions for the poems I shall be reading

La sottise, l’erreur, le péché, la lésine,
Occupent nos esprits et travaillent nos corps,
Et nous alimentons nos aimables remords,
Comme les mendiants nourrissent leur vermine.

la sohtease, lehrer, le pechay, la layzine- ockoop nose espree et travay no core. Et nous olly monton nose amabl remor com lay mendian nohreece leur vermine
